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Friday, 16 December 2011

Compare Hp-Unix and IBM AIX Commands - Part 1

Hp-UX: # ioscan -C disk : To list all the Disk detected in the machine.
IBM AIX: # lsdev -Cc disk : To list all the Disk detected in the machine.

Hp-UX: #ioscan -fnC fc : To list the FC Adapter in the machine.
IBM AIX:  # lsdev -Cc adapter | grep -i fcs : To list the FC Adapter in the machine.

Hp-UX: # ioscan -funC fc /dev/td# : To view more information about a FC Adapter.
IBM AIX:  # lsattr -EHl fcs0 :To view the more information about a FC Adapter.

Hp-UX:  # /opt/fcms/bin/tdutil /dev/td# | grep -i "World Wide Name" : Command to view the WWN Number.
IBM AIX:  #  lscfg -vpl fcs# | grep -i "Network Address" : Command to view WWN Number

Hp-UX: # ioscan -m hwpath : Command to view hardware path of the disk.
IBM AIX:  # lcsfg -vpl hdisk# : Command to view the hardware path of the disk.

Hp-UX: # ioscan -m lun : Display all the LUN's connected.
IBM AIX: # lspv : Display all the LUN's connected.

Hp-UX: # swlist -l : Command to list all the softwares installed in the machine.
IBM AIX:  # lslpp -l : Command to list all the softwares installed in the machine.

Hp-UX: # bdf  : To view the disk and the filesystem usage.
IBM AIX:  # df : To view the disk and the filesystem usage.

Hp-UX: # lvlnboot -v : To veiw the current boot list.
IBM AIX:  @ bootlist -m normal/secure/both -o

Hp-UX: # setboot : Command to set the bootlist.
IBM AIX:# bootlist -m normal/secure/both -o hdisk# blv=hd5

Hp-UX: # swapinfo -a : Command to view the paging space.
IBM AIX:# lsps -a : Command to view the paging space.

Hp-UX: # diskinfo -v /dev/rdsk/c#t#d3 : To view the size of the disk.
IBM AIX:# bootinfo -s hdisk# : To view the size of the disk.

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