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RSInfoMinds, a web based IT Training and Consultancy firm. It is established with high dreams in training people in IT Infrastructure Field. We provide Online and Class Room training in various fields of IT Infrastructure Management.

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We are specialized in the below courses:

Redhat Linux Admin Redhat Linux Cluster
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IBM AIX Virtualization IBM AIX Cluster
HP Unix Admin HP Unix Cluster
HP Unix Virtualization Shell Scripting
Veritas Volume Manager Veritas Cluster
Oracle Core DBA VMWare

We provide training in such a way, So that you get in depth knowledge on the Courses you look for.

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Tuesday 27 August 2013

Disable IPv6 In Linux

/etc/sysctl.conf  :  net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1

/etc/sysconfig/network  : NETWORKING_IPV6=no

 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 : IPV6INIT=”no”

disable iptables6 – chkconfig –level 345 ip6tables off

Reboot the server.

Linux Speed Change Of An Interface

Take the output of # ethtool eth#

1) cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 /tmp/

2) vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Append following line:

ETHTOOL_OPTS="speed 1000 duplex full autoneg on"

3)/etc/init.d/network restart

Verify the changes:

ethtool eth0

Type of Booting in HPUX

HPUX > boot vmunuix : Comman to boot from a kernel.

HPUX > boot -is : Single User Mode: -i# : # Init Level.

HPUX > boot -tm : Tuneable Maintenance Mode (Fail Safe Mode)

HPUX > boot -lm : LVM Maintenance Mode.

HPUX > boot -mv : VxVM Maintenance Mode.

Setting Long User, Group, Host, and File Names - HPUX

By default, user names are restricted to eight characters and group names to 16 characters.

To set long (up to 254-character) user and group names, see lugadmin(1M).

If the kernel tunable expanded_node_host_names is off (0), the maximum host node name length is eight characters (for example, hprdc185) and the maximum full host name length is 64 characters (for example, hprdc185.example.com).

If it is on (1), the maximum for both is 255 characters. By default, this tunable is off.

Preventing Users from Logging In _ HPUX

One of the issues for system administrators is how to keep non-superusers from logging
in to a system while system configuration or system maintenance is underway.

/etc/nologin file and the NOLOGIN variable in the /etc/default/security file.

If /etc/nologin exists and NOLOGIN=1, nonsuperusers are barred from logging in.
What they will see is a system-generated message (Only...security) followed by the contents of /etc/nologin.

1) Create or edit the file /etc/nologin. It can be empty, but users might appreciate some information on why the system is unavailable.

2) Edit the file /etc/default/security and set the NOLOGIN line to NOLOGIN=1.