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RSInfoMinds, a web based IT Training and Consultancy firm. It is established with high dreams in training people in IT Infrastructure Field. We provide Online and Class Room training in various fields of IT Infrastructure Management.

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We are specialized in the below courses:

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IBM AIX Virtualization IBM AIX Cluster
HP Unix Admin HP Unix Cluster
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Veritas Volume Manager Veritas Cluster
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We provide training in such a way, So that you get in depth knowledge on the Courses you look for.

And we ensure you are very confident from each and every Techincal aspect that the IT Industry needs and expects from you.

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Sunday, 24 April 2011

Commands with flags:

# lsattr

-E : Effective Values
-H : Header
-R : Range of values
-D : Default values
-l : Device
-a : Attribute

# chdev

-l : Device
-a : Attribute
-T : Temporary
-P : Permanent

# cfgmgr

-l : Device
-i : Installation medium
-v : Detailed output

# rmdev

-R : Delete the parent and child device
-d  : Delete device from customized DB
-l : Device
-S :  Stop the device

# lscfg

-v : VPD information
-p : Platform specific information
-l : Device

# lsdev

-C : Customized device
-P : Predefined device
-c : class
-t  : type
-s : Sub class

#  mksysb

-e : Exclude list
-i : Create /image.data
-v : Verbose
-X : Expand the /tmp filesystem

# savevg

-e : Exclude list
-i : Create installable image
-v : Verbose
-X : Expand the file system
-f : Target location to save the VG.

# restore

-s : Seeek to a particluar position.
-x : Restore all the files
-q : Inform the backup voulme to be ready
-v : Verbose
-f : Restore from a file
-r : Restore all the files
-t/-T : List all the files backed up

# sysdumpdev

-l : List current dump device
-L : Previous dump device
-e : Estimate the size of the dump device
-C : Enable compression
-c : Diable compression
-p : Set device as primary dump devie
-s : Set device as secoundary dump device
-d : Directory to copy the dump information during boot
-P : Make changes permanent

# sysdumpstart

-p : Start the primary dump device
-s : Start the secondary dump device

# snap

-g : General information.
-k : Kernel information.
-f : File system information.
-c: Compression enabled
-a : All information
-e : HACMP specific information
-d : Direcotory other the /tmp/ibmsupt

#  mkps

-a : Activate at reboot
-n : Activate now

# mktcpip

-h : Hostname
-i : Interface
-a : Address
-m : Subnet mask
-n : Name server address
-d : Domain name
-g : Gateway address

# no
-a : List the attributes
-o : Set the attribute
-p : Seet the attribute now and persist after reboot
-r : Set the attribute after reboot
-d : Set to default value
-D : Set all the attributes to default value

# iostat

-d : Disk value
-a : Adapter throughput
-m : Path statistics
-t : Terminal report
-z : Reset I/O Stats

# svmon

-P : Process report
-G : Global report
-U : user report
-i :  Interval

# rmss

-c : Change the memory size
-r : Reset the memory size to the RAM

# installp

-a : Apply mode
-c : Commit mode
-p :Preview mode
-g :  Include dependencies
-X : Expand file system
-d : Device where the filesets are located
-f : Location of the file sets
-C : Clean up all the failed installation
-u : Un-install a package
-r : Reject installation

Friday, 15 April 2011

Data Volume Group Backup and Restore

This posts explains the steps to followed in taking a Data Volume Group Backup. The data volume group is backed up a backup/restore format file which contains complete information about the volume group backed up.
This operation is performed without bring the VG offline.


Volume Group to be backup'd :  office

Destination : /tmp/office-bakup, this logical volume belongs to a different volume group.

# lsvg -o /* Ensure the VG is online */

# savevg -ivf / /tmp/office-backup office

-i : Create a image of the volume group office.

-v : Verify the file backed up.

-f :  Destination file name. /tmp/office-backup

# cd /tmp/office-backup /* Verify the backup file created */

# cat <filename> / * View the contents of the VG backed up*/


Now we delete the source volume group to restore the volume group from its backup.

# umount <filesystem> /* Unmount all the file systems of the volume group office*/

# reducevg -d -f office hdisk* /* Remove the hdisk from the volume group*.

# lsvg  /* Verify the volume group does not exist */

# restvg -f -d  /tmp/office-backup /* To restore the Volume Group */

The above command restored the volume group as it was on the same PV, with all the file systems mounted.

Logical Volume Copy

This posts explains the steps the copy a logical volume from one volume group to another volume group.


Logical Volume : /dev/fslv01

Mount Point : /data

Source Volume Group : office

New Logical Volume Name : /dev/copy-fslv01

Destination Volume Group :  home

Step 1:

# lsvg -l office /* Verify the LV's in the VG */

# umount /data /* Unmount the LV */

# cplv -y <New LV Name> -v <Destination VG> <LV to be Copied>

# cplv -y copy-flsv01 -v home fslv01

# lsvg -l home /* Verify a new LV is created by the name copy-fslv01 in home VG */

# mklv -t jfs2log  home 1 /* Creating a log device for the copy-fslv01 LV */

# logform /dev/loglv01 /* Initialize the log device */

# chfs -a log=/dev/loglv01 -a device=/dev/copy-fslv01 /data

Changing the reference for the file system indicating the new log device and new logical volume on /data.

Note: Mount point act a reference in copying a logical volume from one VG to another VG. Mount point has to be the same.

# mount /data

# cd /data 

You can find all the information stored in the logical volume /dev/fslv01 in /dev/copy-fslv01. Thanks.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Link Aggregation

Link Aggregation refers to the process of assigning an IP Address to 2 Physical Interfaces for redundany purpose.


Smit > Devices > Communication > EtherChannel / IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation > Add An EtherChannel >
Link Aggregation

Select the primary network adapter (ent0) and select its mode as 8023ad. Now both the interfaces ent0 and ent1 are bounded together to form virtual interface ent2. Assign the IP address to the virtual interface ent2.

In case if any one of the interface goes down another interface will act as a backup.


History with Time

The post shows the command used to view the history with the time appendend to it.



# history

The output will show the commands executed and what time the commands were executed.

Monday, 4 April 2011


1) # instfix -i /* List all the fixes installed on the machine */

2) # instfix -i -k "APAR No" /* Check the requested APAR Installed on the machine or not */

3) # instfix -icqk 5300-04-AIX_ML | grep ":-:" /* List the filesets requested to bring the machine to desired TL */

4) # instfix -k "APAR No" -d /dev/rmt0 /* Installing a fix from Tape*/

LVM Command

1) # chfs -a size=+/-<size> <file system> /* Increases/Decrease the size of a journaled file system to the total number of  512 byte blocks specified */

2) # chlv -n <new name> <old name> /* Change the name of a logical volume (it must be inactive) */

3) # mklv -y <LV name> -t <LV type> <VG name> <No.of PP's> /* This command makes a logical volume, mount point with a journaled file system */

4) # crfs -v <File system type> -d < LV name> -m <Mount point> /* Creates a jfs file system on a logical volume. */

5) # df -k /*  Shows the disk usage of logical volumes on the server.*/

6) # reducevg -d -f <VG name> <PV name> /* Removes a volume group from a machine */

7) # extendvg <VG name> <PV name> /*Adds a new physical volume to an existing volume group*/

8) # mkvg -y <VG name> <PV name> /* Add a volume group to another machine */
9) # lslv <LV name> /*Lists information about the logical volumes. */

10) # lspv /*Lists the disks on the server, including the physical volume will give details about that disk. */

11) #lsvg <VG name> /* Lists the volume groups on the server, including the volume group name will give details about that vg. */

12) #lsvpcfg  /* Lists each vpath and the hdisks that make up the vpath*/


Friday, 1 April 2011

Package Handling in AIX

This post deals with the commands to handle the LPP's, Packages and Filesets.

1) # lslpp -ha /* To list installation history of filesets */

2) #  lslpp -v /* To the filesets that do not have the required prerequisites or are not completely installed */

3) # lslpp -w /usr/sbin/mkvg /* To the filesets that do not have the required prerequisites or are not completely installed */

4) # lslpp -f bos.rte /* To display the names of all the files of fileset bos.perf  */

5) # lslpp -l bos.rte.security /* To display the names of all the files of fileset bos.perf */

6) # lslpp -l  /* To list all the installed software AIX */

7) # lslpp -L  /* To list all the installed softwares of AIX and Linux RPM */

Checking the Boot Disk

The post contains 2 basic and important command to get more information about the boot disk.

# bootinfo -b  /* Command to veiw the current booting device */

# bootinfo -d /* Command to view the previous booting device */

# bootlist -m <mode< -o -v /* Command to display the booting disk information stored in NVRAM */

# ipl_varyon -i  /* Command to show list of booting device */